Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Bust This Time Thief

There is a huge difference in an employee and an employee-preneur. See, even though you are employed by someone else, you've always got to think like an entrepreneur.
An employee just punches in and punches out every day. They do only enough so they don't get fired. And they don't pay much attention to how their actions affect the company overall.
Employee-preneurs, on the other hand, do not just do their jobs, but they work to improve the company. They take ownership, and they take it upon themselves to make sure the company succeeds.
When you start thinking like the owner of the company, you begin to think, "What can I do to make the company moreproductive and efficient?" and "How can I help the company make more money?"This mindset makes you so much more valuable! If you owned the company, you would think a little differently than, "Ugh, I gotta show up at 8 am tomorrow!" or "I don't want to go to work today."
With that in mind, I want to share one tip you, the employee-preneur, can take and apply today. It will set you apart from the other employees out there. And I want you to read this from the viewpoint of an employee-preneur...
When employees do stupid things at work, does it hurt the efficiency of the company? YES! When employees are texting, Facebooking, or Tweeting on company time, this costs the company money. It makes the employee less efficient and less productive. The employee is not getting work done, but they are still getting paid. They are literally stealing from the company!
Think about it. (And remember, you're thinking like a business owner.) An employee is not paid to answer personal emails. They are not paid to text their friends. They are not paid to chit chat with their coworkers. An employee is paid to work.
What can you do to help your company become more efficient?
  • Turn off your phone!
  • Sign out of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
  • Set distraction-free times in your workday. Even if you have to send out an email and ask coworkers not to contact you during those quiet times, unless it's an emergency.
  • Stop stealing hours from your company!
  • DO WORK!
You will produce more than anyone else around you if you simply stay focused on producing results. An employee-preneur knows they get paid based on their results. So guess what they do… They produce more results, and therefore, they are paid more!
I want you to make that your focus today. What can I do to produce more results? In fact, as an employee-preneur, that should be your focus every day. What can you do to help the company succeed?
One thing that will help every person in your company, all the way from the CEO to the guy in the mailroom, is to send them this email. Go ahead and forward it to your entire staff, or send it to all of your coworkers. This is an excellent way to get everyone on your team on track and turn employees into employee-preneurs!